Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1st

Today Michelle was allowed more solid/liquids, like cream of wheat soup and pudding.  I wasn't sure if she would be up for it, but when she woke up she said she was ready to order breakfast.  Good sign!  After she ordered she said she was ready to do her breathing exercises.  She knows what's important and what needs to be done in order for her to get better.  Today, Mike, mom and I went to see Ryan so left Michelle for a few hours.  When we came back her IV was gone that was pumping her with her drug (a type of morphine).  I couldn't believe how much her facial expressions had come back, personality, alertness and energy!  She also told us she walked all the way to the water fountain and back (10-15 feet from her room!).  It was good to hear and I only wish I was there to see it.  Right now I believe she is only taking Motrin for pain.  Tomorrow she should have no restrictions on food. 
Mom has been staying at the hospital the entire visit.  The kids will ask occasionally if grandma is going to come home.  Emma said she is just concerned about the amount of sleep grandma is getting.  If you have been trying to call her on her cell, there are no cell phones allowed in Michelle's room.  Just an FYI as to why you haven't heard back from her.  
I'm copying and pasting an email from my younger sister about an update on Ryan . . . it's information she was given by Jan, Ryan's mom.

"I just got of the phone with Jan...most current update as of 12/1 about 2:15 - just cause things do change.  He first was going to have the jaw surgery but that has changed.  He has a surgical team assigned to him and the head doctor is named Wagner.  Tim's (Ryan's dad) brother Jim and wife Janet were able to talk with Dr. Wagner at the hospital today.  They are planning the pelvic and hip surgery for sometime this Sat.  They are hoping to do the hand surgery at the same time because it is the same guy that will do the pelvic and hip surgery and it should only add 15 to 20 min to do the hand surgery.  Eye Dr. came in today and Ryan's right eye is 20/20 but left eye is 20/70.  That may improve as swelling goes down and may get worse after the facial surgeries.  The dr. said if it gets worse he can get glasses.  They have been waiting on surgeries as they need the swelling to go down.  Every day Jan thinks he looks better.  Right now Ryan can't move and he lies flat on his back.  He does have a few vertebrae that are fractured in his neck.  Jan thinks things are coming together quickly as far as his first surgeries and all the help and support from people.  Nurses at Ryan's hospital are amazed at how stable he is for all the things that are wrong with him (praise the Lord!).  Tim and Jan are amazed at Ryan and Michelle's friends/family and how quickly everyone is helping out.

Things to pray for Ryan for...
1.  no infection
2. no bed sores
3. no pneumonia

Thanks, Liz"

Now, on to our visit with Ryan.  It was SO GOOD TO SEE HIM!!  To be totally honest, I was a bit nervous to go because people had told me he doesn't look like Ryan and his face was pretty messed up.  maybe those people didn't know what Ryan looked like because I thought he looked GREAT!  Now, great as in compared to what I was expecting.  And I was told a lot of swelling had gone down, so that helped.  From what I could tell it was only teeth on his left side that have been knocked out.  I do not know if they will have to take out the rest in order to fix his jaw.  He did not sound like himself because of the missing teeth.  He has 2 black eyes and his left arm/hand is totally swollen (that is the one that is broken). He had just awakened from a nap.  He told us he can go about 45 minutes then gets tired again.  He was in good spirits and was joking around with us. I had taken a picture of Michelle at the hospital holding some flowers he had sent her (I don't know who arranged that, but it was great) and he really liked seeing her.  I did ask him, "Did you know you sent her flowers?" and he replied a bit insulted, "Of course I know I sent her flowers."  Said, "She looks great."  Then I showed him a video I had taken that morning of Aidan.  I couldn't even believe how big of a smile that got out of him. He kept telling us over and over that he was thankful for what a blessing we've been.  I don't know if he, or Michelle for that matter, realize they couldn't have kept us away had they asked!  I read him some of his e-cards, we hung up some pictures of his family and had a chance to pray with/for him.  It was encouraging.  I really wish he was closer so we could make more visits.  Maybe we can get down there one more time before we leave.
We did talk about the accident for a little bit.  He asked how far from home were they and we told him 15 miles from Coleman.  He didn't know what hit him so we said a lady driving a Silverado truck.  He only said, "I just hope she's okay."  I couldn't believe it!  But that's Ryan for you.  Tim and Jan raised a good man.  I also asked if he would want me to record a small video message for me to take back to Michelle.  He did and it was adorable, he started off by saying, "Hey there pretty lady." 

~Angie Peterson


  1. what a touching way to tell their story, angie. you sure know how to make a girl cry first thing in the morning.
    we're keeping the roman family in our prayers.
    lots of love and hugs.


  2. I'm with Hannah, thanks for the tears. Very well said, Angie. You, Mike and your Mother are such a sweet people as well.

    Allison Shoemaker

  3. Glad I read this before I put my make up on...I love all of you and thank God everyday for the Roman family.

    Jenn Dana

  4. More tears here! Thanks so much for keeping us updated, Angie. You are a blessing!

    Erin Aspiranti

  5. Again with the tears! Thank you so much for sharing!! What a blessing you are to us and to the Roman family. Will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
    God bless,
    Jenn Bovee

  6. yup more tears...Thank you for all the updates. It is amazing how people can come together when a tragedy happens...I always think of Matthew 18:20 when people come together and pray...
    Matthew 18:20 for where two or three are gathered in MY name, I am in the midst of them... What a blessing to know that God is right there in the midst of all the chaos to keep control and heal these precious lives he has so graciously given to us...
    Blessing to you all,
    Haley Campbell

  7. I'll add my tears to the pot, too. And so appreciate any news. Would love to be there more so your posts really help, Angie. Thank you. Upon my first time seeing Michelle after the accident I reminded her of a time long ago on the Sea of Galilee when the storm was raging all around a little fishing boat. The disciples feared and strained against the oars wondering how Jesus could be sound asleep in the midst of it all and not be concerned. All the while they feared, not realizing the impact of Who was IN THE BOAT WITH THEM. Where Jesus is, there is no need for fear no matter what is raging all about us. I love that analogy: Jesus is in the boat with us! It often helps me to remember this, perhaps it will help others, too.

  8. everyone is crying, myself included. Thank you for taking time to write these entries. I wish I could be closer. We're keeping them in prayer and believing that God's faithfulness is going to heal them beyond what anyone could expect, and quicker, too!
    Ps. 33: 18-22
    18 But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,
    19 to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.
    20 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield.
    21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.
    22 May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you.

  9. Thank you Angie and Liz for taking such good care of your sister and her family. We appreciate the updates and know that our prayers are with you. Love, Maria (O'Hearn) and family

  10. Oh my goodness...crying here! That last line had me! I just love the Romans!!! They are wonderful! What a blessing they are. What a blessing you guys are too Angie! Love to you all! praying....
