Wednesday, December 22, 2010

He's Home!!

He's home!! He's home!! He's home!! The kids and I were just bursting with excitement to see him today!  Coming home went well and he was able to get all settled in his bedroom. This is the second time in our married life that he has lived in his parents house (we all lived w/ them about 2yrs ago when we sold our home.) Although we won't be sleeping under the same roof, at least we're in the same zip code!! It just feels better!

 Before we left tonight he sat in his wheelchair and joined us all in the living room. To be honest I think he enjoyed all the noise the kids were making.....for a few moments anyways!! It was only the second time since the accident that all 5 of us have been together.

I will try to post pics soon. First, I need some sleep!
