Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Praying and Potty Training

Aiden makes us smile and laugh so many times each day! Lately, he has wanted to pray at the dinner table before our meals. This is one of his recent prayers:

"Please help the Percyyyy (Percy is of course Thomas the Train's friend)
Shank you Emmaaaa.
Shank you Riahhhh.
Shank you horse (again he means Riah, she is his "horse" and he is the "owner.)
Shank you Daddyyyy. Home.
Shank you Mommyyyy.
Shank you cheese.
Shank you strawberries.
Please help the bodyyyyy.

Yesterday, Ryan asked Aiden if he wanted to say grace. We realized that Aiden didn't realize that saying grace meant praying once he began his prayer:

"Please help the Graaace (Grace is a sweet girl that we know.)
Please help the Madd-yyy (she is Grace's sister...she's sweet too!)"

Not only has Aiden started praying, but he has also started potty training! He prefers to go in his little potty and then flush it in the big potty. Every time he goes he looks at me from the corner of his eyes, crinkles up his nose, and says "Look what I found!"
And every time I laugh!!

Then we put it in the big potty and he asks, "I flush it mommy?"
Once he flushes, he lifts the seat up, puts his head right over the toilet and says,
"Look Mommy! It goes down! It goes down!"
Ah, the wonders of childhood!

My heart overflows with love and thankfulness for this little boy that God has given to our family!  I often see glimpses of his daddy in him, and being able to see a glimpse of Ryan when he was not here was truly a treasure to me! Every time it happened I was reminded of how good our God is! It is my hearts desire that as this little boy grows, not only will people see a reflection of his daddy, but also of his heavenly Father.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rx for Twinkies

Ryan came home from physical therapy today with his list of exercises to do at home.  At the very top was a note from the therapist to buy a package of 12 Twinkies to help with tissue repair.  Ryan handed me his note  with a smile.  Why would his therapist send a prescription for Twinkies?

Back up a few hours and Ryan and I were discussing our plans for the day. I had to leave for an MRI, Jenn was coming to watch the kids, and his mom was taking him to physical therapy. I asked him if we needed anything else besides milk if I stopped at the store.

He quickly replied, "Twinkies!" Anything Hostess is not usually a part of my grocery list. In fact, my children have been known to ask, "What is a Twinkie?" However, since the accident things have changed a little. I have bought a box of Hostess cupcakes. As my friend Jenn said there's nothing like being in an accident to make you realize you should have a Hostess cupcake once in awhile. Well, Ryan has found that the cupcakes aren't so easy for him to eat. So he asked for Twinkies. To which I replied, "Well, if you can get your therapist to say Twinkies are a part of your approved diet, then I will buy Twinkies."

Looks like I'll be making a Twinkie run tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coleman, We Have a Problem!

The girls had a some friends over last week and they built a spaceship out of boxes and were taking a trip to Jupiter. Of course Ryan had to ask WHY girls go to Jupiter....hee hee hee!  Aiden had to try and be a part too, and although he tried to help build the spaceship with his hammer he really did more damage. 

Here's a bit of what I heard that day:

"Aiden, stop!"

"Ready to launch!" Emma, followed by Aiden, who copies everything, "Time for lunch!"

"Aiden, quit!"

"Not ready for launch! He broke the spaceship!"

"Coleman, we have a problem! He's about 3 feet tall and he's destroying the ship!"

Preparing for launch

Control Center

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update on Ryan

"Wun Daddy! Wun! You can't get me!" That's how Ryan was greeted by Aiden when we came home after being in Flint all day. We went for Ryan's appointments with the orthopaedic surgeon and the ENT surgeon. Both went well. As I mentioned before Ryan has bone growing in the hip where he should be producing scar tissue. Dr. Burton said that bone growth is what is causing him to be so stiff. They will continue to watch it, and possibly remove it sometime later if needed. The ENT surgeon said things look good. According to the  hearing test he still has some hearing loss in the right ear.. ..Ryan could tell that without the test! If it comes to your mind, please remember to pray for the hearing in his right ear and the vision in his left eye. We appreciate your prayers!

Today was the first time I had the chance to meet the ENT surgeon. As with all of Ryan's other doctors, I really liked him! He seemed to be very dedicated, knowledgeable, and he was very easy to talk to. We are thankful that God has provided Ryan with such an excellent team of doctors!

On Monday Ryan had his evaluation with the physical therapist at Campus Ridge. The therapist asked him what kind of activities he wanted to be able to do. I piped in, "Change diapers!" Ryan said he was thinking he could use some work on his golf game, to keep up with the brothers-in-law! 

My mom leaves tomorrow. We would appreciate prayers for travelling safety for her! We have been so grateful for the extra pair of hands to help with the children and household chores!! Ryan and I were wondering today how we are going to manage without her! Thank you mom for all your help! We love you and we miss you already!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Trip to France

We have had a busy week here with  doctor's appointments, physical therapy, school, and a bit of  travelling too!  The curriculum we use is My Father's World, and this year we are doing Exploring Countries and Cultures.  We are still struggling to get back into a routine with school, but we are on weeks 14 and 15 which is France! Here are some highlights from the week!

Lunch in Paris, french bread, muenster cheese and grapes.

Impressionist painter

Moriah's finished impressionist painting.
It's Uncle Jim and his hunting dog.
The bubble coming from Uncle Jim says: Get him!

Check out these two cuties reading in France

Doesn't he just make you smile??

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Thought From a 5 Year Old

Ryan's cousin has a 5 year old son, Trevor, and his mom recently shared this story with me. It made me laugh!! I just have to share it!

"So we were watching some tv this morning and Trevor looks at me and said, "Mom, we have to buy that for Ryan." I look up and see he is watching a commercial for The Scooter Store! I said no honey he is walking with a cane and doing very well. Trevor than said, "No offense mom but if he is going to keep up with those girls he needs to be fast and that scooter is fast !  Oh, and by the way we will have to go to home depot to get stuff so I can build him a ramp to get into our house too!"

Looks like Trevor knows our girls pretty well!! They are fast! And they have a younger brother that moves even faster!! Maybe I could get one of those scooters too?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Parties, Appointments, and They Made the News Again!

My mom arrived safely on Friday, and we had a rather quiet weekend together. She needed to rest up because today she was home with the kiddos and Ryan while I went to the doctor and physical therapy. Saturday we did run some errands and stop by the sidewalk sales at Dow Diamond. Ryan had to get some new Loons wear for the upcoming baseball season! Sunday we ventured out for the Superbowl party at Sep and Allison's. What a fun night with some of our dear friends!! Here's a picture that I snagged from Allison's facebook page...hope ya don't mind, Allison!! I just love this one of us!

Today I had another appointment, and it went well. I really liked this doctor! He would like me to have an MRI and nerve testing done. That is scheduled for later in the month.

Those of you who have followed the blog from the beginning may recall a post from my sister with a link to the news article about the accident. I think that post is titled They Made The Front Page News. Angie added that  Mike, her husband, told the girls that if they're ever in the paper again it better be for something good. Well, Uncle Mike, the girls are in the paper again!!This time it is for making valentines for vets at Inspired Hearts in Coleman.  Emma said we better tell you about if before they do something bad! Here's the link to the Valentines for Vets article:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back to Work!

Okay not really, but he did go in for about an hour today. His dad came and picked him up and took him in and of course before coming back they made a stop at the Shell for cherry Pepsi. I'm not sure who was happpier to see him, Tim at the office, or the employees at the Shell. :)

Ryan just looked over a few of the things Tim has been up to since Ryan has been gone. He didn't do much, but he was ready to come home after an hour. It was good for him to get out for a bit.

My mom is coming back and she arrives in Midland tomorrow at 4:30.  Please pray for safe travels for her!
We are looking forward to having her with us again!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

From Ryan

Tonight I am welcoming another guest blogger! Ryan has asked me to post for him, so these are his words, I am just doing the typing.

The first thing I want to say is thank you to my God and Saviour for protecting my family. I also want to say thank you to all those who have prayed, provided meals, helped with our children, provided transportation, sent cards or helped our family in any other way.

There is much I want to write about, but I want to write about our children. Each day I was in the hospital I thought of my children and I grew more thankful for all 3 of them.

I wondered if I had been a good father to my children. I wondered if there were some things I could do better. Then I heard a story that brought tears to my eyes. As they pulled my family from the van my oldest daughter asked the paramedic to pray with her over her family.  Knowing that we can move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed, the faith shown by my daugther to know that God could save us all let's me know she knows the right path.

I am concerned about the emotional scars that could result from this. My Moriah, our middle child, saw her mom motionless with her face down in an air bag. She saw her dad, with a bloody face, groaning in pain and trying to get out of the van.  She heard her little brother crying and screaming in fear, calling for mommy and daddy. As she grows, I pray she will not carry the weight of these images in her mind.

Even our youngest child, our 2 yr old son, has some understanding of what happened. He says, "Grandma Nanny's and crash!" and "car accident."  We do know that all of this can be used for the glory of God, and that is what we want to come of this.

I do ask that you pray I learn how to be a father again. Being out of our home for 2 months I feel like I must rebuild relationships with my children. We are not able to do many of things that we once did together. I often feel inadequate of being their dad. All of these feelings brought me to tears on the night I came home. I know the Lord can bring me through. I just need to remember that He is in control.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moriah's Story

The girls have journaled a bit over the last few weeks, and tonight I have permission from Moriah to share from her journal. I'm not sure, but in the official world of blogging I think Moriah would be called a guest blogger? Here are some excerpts from Moriah's journal:

When we crashed I shut my eyes but I heard Aiden screaming and I heard the crash. I was worried and scared at the same time. I just did not know what to do and so the only thing I thought of was to pray and so I did and after I prayed, I cried because I was scared and I wasn't sure if mom and dad were alive.

When Dad came to Grandma's I was thrilled! I hugged him and we just talked. We visited many times and for days I was wondering when we could eat here (at home) and not have to visit every night. Finally my wish came true and dad came home.