Sunday, January 9, 2011

Coffee, Calories, and Wii

My sister Liz and her husband Scott and my sweet little niece, Emily, were here last week.  Little Emily is only 6wks old which makes the trip up here much more exciting! They were so much help to me this week and it was just good for me to have them here. Liz kept busy helping with housework and Scott took care of several jobs on Ryan's to do list. They sure do spoil us!!

Most nights, after we would get the little ones snuggled in bed, we would have some grown up fun!! Scott would make a pot of coffee (decaf of course!) and we would pull out some sort of yummy snack and start up the wii! There were lots of laughs as Scott tried to help me w/ my Dr. Mario game (bad move, bad move, another bad move, oh, good one!) Most nights I also had the chance to snuggle with Emily while Scott was hunting for the trophy buck with Ryan's hunting game. I'm going to miss our coffee, calories, and wii nights! Last night about 9pm I was craving some coffee and Emily snuggles!!

Here are some pictures from our week with the Hostetler's:

Our niece, Emily Alondra!! Isn't she cute? Don't ya just love the rooster hair??

Here's Ryan with our little niece

And all the Roman clan with Miss Emily

I have enjoyed the visits from my mom, my sisters, and their husbands. They have been a tremendous help to our family. Although we would prefer different circumstances, the time shared with each of them will always be treasured. Thanks Hostetler's for coming up to Michigan! We loved having you here! We love you and miss you!

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