Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today I am trying a bit different format, in hopes that this will make posting a bit quicker for me! I stole the idea from my friend Jenny's blog!

Here's what's new with the Roman's:

  • Emma sang at church last Sunday for her first time! She was originally scheduled to sing Amazing Grace with Tim, however the worship team invited her to sing with them for all of the worship service. Watching them sing  for the Lord sure did touch this mama's heart, and I do hope it was as a sweet sound to Him as it was to me!

  •  It reminded me of the day when she was dedicated and Tim held her while he sang during the service.

  • Ryan was not able to get much sleep Sunday night. He just could not get comfortable.

  • He was rather grumpy on Monday and after physical therapy he took a nap or two.

  • I had an MRI on the 18th of Feb. and it did show some swelling still in the neck, but nothing that would need to be surgically repaired....which is a really good thing!

  • Since we still do not know what the issue is they are doing an MRI on the shoulder March 9.

  • Ryan was able to go to a Wild Game Dinner with some of his hunting buddies.  Emma went along too, and they had a taste of rattlesnake, boar, venison, rabbit, alligator, kangaroo rump, buffalo, squirrel and more! Emma is so brave, she tried them all!!

  • Yesterday was 3 months since the accident. We are thankful for how far God has brought us since that night, and we are trusting that He will continue to see us through!


  1. Check your math, I am pretty sure it's been 4 months since the accident. you know, 1/3 of a year.

  2. Sorry Angie it is 3 months. Nov 28 to Dec 28, 1 month, Dec 28 to Jan 28, 2 months, Jan 28 to Feb 28, 3 months. Weird things happen to your mind when your pregnant. Simply math just ain't that simple anymore. ;D Just kidding you.

  3. Charlotte: Too funny! And what's funnier is that Ang does have an accounting degree! Ah, gotta love pregnant brain!!
