Saturday, September 3, 2011

Weekend Update

  • The last 2 weeks we have been getting used to our back to school routine. It is a challenge to work around all the doctor/therapy appts we have! We have tried to keep up as best we can, and the girls have been great about taking school "on the road."
  • Late in August Ryan had a consultation appt. with a local oral surgeon concening the scar tissue in his jaw. Ryan has had limited ability to open his mouth since the wires came off and we found out at this visit that he can only open his mouth 15 mm.....that's not much at all! Go check a ruler! The doctor said that he believes with surgery Ryan should be able to open 25-30 mm. I think he said average was about 40mm. He was honest with us and said that this is not something he does everyday, and their are risks involved. He wanted to discuss the situation with another surgeon in his office, and consult a few others by phone. They will decide if this is a job they can do, and if they can they will come up with a plan of action. We meet back with the surgeon on Tues. Sept 6 to see what they say. We would greatly appreciate prayers for guidance for us and the doctors.
  • I recently saw my doctor for a re-check concerning the shoulder. We are still assuming I have nerve damage that is not showing up in an MRI and he believes that with time it will heal. Meanwhile the nerve damage has made my muscles tight, weak, and not stable. I have also started to have pain in my middle and lower back, probably as a result of compensating for the right shoulder/arm. Ughhh!! Next week I will be back in physical therapy to see if that will help while the nerves finish healing.
  • This week we had a tough decision to make. Ryan is not taking his chili to the Chili/Salsa Taste Off in Midland. For the past 2 yrs Ryan has entered and it's something he enjoys doing with the girls. They help him with everything from shopping, to cooking and serving! 2 yrs ago he won 2nd place People's Choice for Spicy Chili and last year he won 1st place Judge's Choice for Spicy Chili! We were planning on defending his title, but we decided it's too much for us right now. He has to make 5 gallons of chili and then serve it on the day of the taste off. He is just not up to a task like that yet. So, we'll let the other chefs have a chance this year. Next year, he'll be back, trying for first place in both divisions! Until then, here's last year's first place winner!

The girls have been learning about light in science this week. They've done a couple experiments and Aiden was thrilled to "help" Moriah with one of them.

Moriah had a friend over and as we were taking her home I heard this conversation in the backseat. It began with Oreos and how much they love all Oreos, especially the mint ones.
Moriah--"My mom bought hot cocoa with a hint of mint." 
Friend--"Oh, that sounds delicious! But, how can you have hot cocoa in the summer?"
Moriah--"We're stocking up for winter!"
Yep, Moriah doesn't need to stock up on bread and the milk for a winter storm, as long as we're  well stocked on the hot cocoa...with a hint of mint!

Other quotes recently overheard in our house:

"Do you ever get the feeling that you've stopped a truck with your face?"--Ryan, as he was getting ready for bed last night.

"I'm going to get that booger! I'm going to eat that booger!"--Aiden, rather loudly, with his finger up his nose,  in the hospital parking lot. Very proud parent moment.

"We're going to get a baby mouse!"--Moriah, excitedly running into the house in search of some sort of container. Thankfully Dad put an end to that idea!!

"This hip hurts so much I'm almost looking forward to having surgery."--Can you guess?

"Dad, please, please, pleeeaaasssee can we get a turtle?" --Emma, on the phone with Grandma and Moriah at the flea market.

"Yep, you sure can."--Ryan's reply to the above question!!

1 comment:

  1. May God continue to bless you with His peace and strength. Thanks for the update. I continue to think of and pray for your family on the recovery road.

    We were just looking at the calender today and discussing upcoming doctor appointments...

    There've been comments at out house over the past year+ similar to the one you shared about getting hit by a truck... And I empathize with the "surgery sounds great!" thought...
