Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Weekend Update

  • Saturday morning as I was working on my Bible study I heard birds chirping!! What a happy sound! Then later this afternoon the girls and I saw not one, but two robins in the backyard! As Moriah put it, "Spring is here!!"
  • Overheard at lunch this week: "You girls could marry a Cardinal fan, or a Cubs fan. It would even be alright if you married a Nebraska fan. But marrying an Ohio State fan is NOT an option!"--Ryan, sharing some fatherly advice with the girls.
  • As Moriah sat down to dinner one night this week she noticed the "real" plates on the table. She said, "Wow, Mom! I haven't seen these plates since before the accident!" I must admit, she's right! Since the accident we buy Hostess and we use paper plates. And paper bowls. And plastic cups. The last few days have been an exception, because until I get to Wal-Mart, we're out!
  • Ryan walks with a limp since the accident, and this week he realized that his limp lends itself really well to a "gangsta" strut. That should come in handy the next time we're in the 'hood.
  • Our movie for this week was Misty, a 1961 film based on the book Misty of Chincoteague, by Marguerite Henry. I read the book to the girls a couple years ago and they enjoyed it. The movie was a hit as well!
  • Several times this week you could hear Ryan and I both saying "I miss you!" He may be right there, but I still miss him! I am thankful that we are able to go through each day together now, but we both still miss the way life was. We had it pretty good! And we still do really. It just takes some getting used to!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi Day, Nap Day and Our Anniversary!

Today is 3/14 our 13th wedding anniversary and Pi Day! Today I learned that it is also National Nap Day!
What a great day! We love pie, and we love naps!

Our day began kinda crazy, you can tell we have been married for 13 years. Aiden started to come down with a virus yesterday and he did not sleep well last night. Which meant we did not sleep well. I was up with him several times and the last time I got back into bed was just 45 minutes before my alarm was set to go off. I decided to turn my alarm off and get some sleep. It's our anniversary, beauty sleep was of utmost importance! About 2 hours later I regretted that decision as our morning became a whirlwind of getting everyone ready for the day while taking care of a sick little boy. We managed to get everything together and we were out the door for our day away!

We began with physical therapy for Ryan, where I had the chance to torture him just a little bit. You know they say, no pain, no gain! Of course I do this because I am fully devoted to his complete recovery!!

After PT we were off to Genji's Japanese Steak House for lunch. Ryan did pretty well eating his lunch, even though he can't open his mouth very wide. I did offer to eat his lunch for him, but he seemed to do okay on his own.

Then we went to my doctor's appointment, which was a follow up from the shoulder MRI. Again, it looks like there is nothing that needs to be surgically repaired, which is really great! The rotator cuff looks good, but they are not sure there isn't some damage that may need to be repaired. We are going to try a less invasive procdure first, along with physical therapy to see if that doesn't help with my neck movement and shoulder pain. I'm relieved that surgery isn't necessary right now.The idea of surgery scares me. My husband is so brave and underwent more than 13 hours of surgery, and I don't even like the thought of it!

We had a good day together, although it may not have been what we would've planned! We thought back on our wedding 13 years ago. I remember seeing Ryan pull into the parking lot as I was having pictures taken in the sanctuary. I watched him from a window as he got out of his car with his tux in hand. He was so cute!! We also remembered all the people that were there with us and the fun we had that day. Yep, it was a good day!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Weekend Update

Here's the latest happenings in the Roman household:

  • Ryan had 3 days of physical therapy this week. He is doing well, but he is achey/sore most of the time. His mouth still does not open very wide, and he really would like to be able to just open up and eat some good food he's craving!!
  • Yesterday, March 12, marked 15 years since our first date together!! Yep, 15 years!!
  • The girls both won their basketball games yesterday! They both played well! Ryan and the girls are hoping he will be able to make it to a game, but for now he watches video footage. He didn't miss a game last year, so this is just another adjustment we have to get used to!
  • Aiden likes to play tackle with daddy, and thankfully daddy is getting stronger! The other day Aiden came into our room where Ryan was doing his exercises, and after closing the door he asked, "Should we tack Daddy?"
  • This week in school we are studying Africa, and more specifically, the country of Kenya. One of the good books we have read is The Kenya ABC's, a book about the people and places of Kenya. We are also reading various African folk tales, as well as books about zebras, lions and other African animals. We have also been learning about the life of Africa's trailblazer, David Livingstone. In math, Moriah has started to learn how to solve equations and Emma has been learning about the diameter and radius of circles. In grammar, Emma has been studying prepositions, and Moriah is learning about the various types of verbs.
  • Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary, and we'll be celebrating by going to physical therapy and a doctor's appointment! We plan to squeeze in a lunch date between appointments!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Rub A Dub, Aiden's in the Tub!

A few weeks ago when my mom was here, she was getting Aiden ready for bath.
She started the water and then went to get something. When she returned she found Aiden, in the tub, wearing his clothes and his diaper!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Today I am trying a bit different format, in hopes that this will make posting a bit quicker for me! I stole the idea from my friend Jenny's blog!

Here's what's new with the Roman's:

  • Emma sang at church last Sunday for her first time! She was originally scheduled to sing Amazing Grace with Tim, however the worship team invited her to sing with them for all of the worship service. Watching them sing  for the Lord sure did touch this mama's heart, and I do hope it was as a sweet sound to Him as it was to me!

  •  It reminded me of the day when she was dedicated and Tim held her while he sang during the service.

  • Ryan was not able to get much sleep Sunday night. He just could not get comfortable.

  • He was rather grumpy on Monday and after physical therapy he took a nap or two.

  • I had an MRI on the 18th of Feb. and it did show some swelling still in the neck, but nothing that would need to be surgically repaired....which is a really good thing!

  • Since we still do not know what the issue is they are doing an MRI on the shoulder March 9.

  • Ryan was able to go to a Wild Game Dinner with some of his hunting buddies.  Emma went along too, and they had a taste of rattlesnake, boar, venison, rabbit, alligator, kangaroo rump, buffalo, squirrel and more! Emma is so brave, she tried them all!!

  • Yesterday was 3 months since the accident. We are thankful for how far God has brought us since that night, and we are trusting that He will continue to see us through!