Monday, November 28, 2011

Then and Now--The Girls

I thought it would be fun to take a look back at how far we have come in the last year! Here are a few pics of the girls following the accident.

Emma had a some black and blue marks on her face, but you can see it didn't stop her from smiling! Isn't she adorable?

Moriah didn't have bruising on her face, but she had a mark on her neck from the seatbelt.

And here they are last month, with Grandma at a pumpkin farm! Still looking adorable and so much taller!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Weekend Update--1 Year Later

Well, here we are....the one year mark! Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday, and sometimes it feels like an entire lifetime has gone by, but it was a year ago this Monday. However, we'll probably remember it more as the Sunday after Thanksgiving rather than November 28th. It has been a long difficult road, one we would never choose to take, but we have learned so much about our faithful and loving God that we would not otherwise have learned.

Many people have said we have been an inspiration because we faced this situation with grace, strength, and a good attitude. If there is anything inspiring in our actions, it is only because God has walked with us and carried us through this last year. We could not have gotten through this on our own! God was not taken by surprise last November 28th. He is not surprised at what may be going on in your life right now. Whatever your difficult situation may be, He knows all about it. Whether it's an illness, a miscarriage, infertility, financial struggles, the loss of a loved one, a troubled marriage, or a car accident.  God is God, He is sovereign, and He is good. He is willing to carry you through your trials, if you only ask Him. He will work ALL things for the good of those who love Him.

Today we were able to spend the day together, going  to church and hanging out at home. Usually we spend the weekend in IL and we are driving home on Sunday. This year my family came up here for the week, and they left on Friday. As we were on our way home last year, our accident just after 6pm. Tonight at 6pm we were reading through our Thankful Box. Of course, top on our list is just being home together! But here are a few more things that were listed in our box:

my mom and dad
our cozy home
emma's smile
moriah's laugh
everything God made
food (yep, we like to eat around here!)
my dad
my Ryan
my bed
our cousins
my microphone
my sister and brother
 "Squeaky" (Aiden's toy hamster)
Aiden's mischievous eyes

We are also thankful for all of you that have been a blessing to our family! Thank you for your support, prayers and encouragement over the past year.